Welcome to Save Energy Save the World KA2 project website

This project is co-founded by Programme Erasmus + KA2 

Description of the project:

Disseminating consciousness of energy conservation is an issue that all the countries, especially the EU countries lay emphasis on and want to provide a solution to in regards to energy production as well as energy conservation by 2020. The Republic of Turkey Energy Efficiency Market Report (May 2015) with respect to countries in Europe and Asia verifies this claim.

If the world's energy consumption continues as is, it is estimated that by 2020 half of the fossil fuel resources will have been consumed. In this context, the EU Commission submitted a legislative proposal in order to achieve the goal of energy conservation at the rate of 20% by 2020.

Energy conservation is crucial for more rational use of energy resources, investment in energy production and energy costs, but it also of vital importance for reducing the impact of environmental problems. Due to this, in the Europe 2020 strategy document, in addition to innovation, education and environment, supporting the initiatives in energy conservation is also emphasised.

The family budget will benefit from efficient use of energy in residential buildings, also, energy-conscious behaviour in lighting usage at work places and schools as well as while using various electrical devices will also provide the country's economy with very important opportunities for conservation.

Research in children's energy consumption at home has shown that with increase in age, energy consumption also increases (Fritzsche, 1981; Brounen et al. 2012). In a study undertaken by the Japanese researcher Yamaguchi (2012), it is found that children's energy consumption at home is less than the adults. Recent research has underlined the importance of provision of feedback to the children about the growing increase in energy consumption from the age of ten onwards and the creation of a culture of energy at home (Christie, 2011; Hargreaves, 2013). Fell and Chiu (2013), in their research with parents at school, have observed that, compared to their parents, children take warnings about the dangers of unnecessary energy use more seriously than warnings about conservation. These studies indicate that informing children about the right and efficient way of using energy and transfering that knowledge to parents through children is crucial.

School curriculum plays a key role in developing a culture of energy. Unfortunately, in our curriculum, renewable, enviornment-friendly and clean energy use has not received enough attention. Plus, we cannot take advantage of the school clubs and societies about environment in order to help students develop an environmental consciousness.

In a study published in Bloomberg about the fluctuations in warming since 1890 until today and the comparisons between natural and anthropogenic factors, once more, the effects of greenhouse gases on global warming has been shown. The main reason for the release of carbondioxide and methane gases which trap heat inside the Earth and cause it to get warmer and warmer is fossil fuel-based energy production. Research has shown that if necessary measures are taken towards decreasing the release of greenhouse gases, using more renewable energy resources instead and improving energy efficiency, it is possible to ward off the effects of warming. Given the rapid wasting away of natural resources, increasing environmental pollution, high costs of energy production and climate change induced by global warming, it is evident that we must allocate enough space in our curriculum for this topic and explain children and young adults the importance of renewable energy and its first applications in the world. If we can raise awareness about the importance of efficiency of energy conservation and renewable environment-friendly energy use, and then put the knowledge of using energy without wasting it into practice at school, we will be able to spread the knowledge about energy conservation first among the youngest individuals in our society, our children, and then to the families, other schools and the whole country.

This project allows for an international analysis, because it enables the sharing of various applications, experiences and ideas; it is a topic which has to be taken into consideration in educational settings by all countries; it foresees the effective use of energy for a green world; and it necessitates travelling to different locations in order to see how different schools have different applications.

The aim of this project is 1- to raise awareness about the importance of energy conservation and the environmental problems created as a result of the energy production process

2- to ensure that the knowledge given at school is put into practice in daily life

3- to lay out different methods and techniques used in education to ensure permanent learning

4- to find out about the different applications of practices towards energy conservation in different countries

5- to adapt successful application practices to our own school.

The duration of the project is two years - from September 2016 till September 2018.

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